Physics Department

TRP Engineering College

About The Department

The department is enriched with qualified and experienced faculty members with diverse areas of specialization. The department possess a well equipped Lab for BE programme and a separate nanomaterials research lab.  Major research areas in physics include Nanomaterials, Supercapacitors, Solar cells and Thin films.


To continuously upgrade the technical facilities

Continually strive to upgrade and give a contemporary outlook to our programmes.

 To serve the society by providing affordable quality higher education.


  • To provide the value as well as need based education.
  • To provide quality education and also build healthy characters.
  • To build the institution as premier in education by nurturing enthusiasm and passion in the study of Physics.
  • To sustain and support studies and talents of students liberally.
  • Periodically arrange lecturers of eminent person having professional teaching skills to benefit the students


Well equipped laboratories with modern instruments and hi-tech facilities

  • Electrochemical workstation-CH-660D
  • SHIMADZU Weighing Balance
  • Muffle Furnace
  • Ultrasonicator