Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is one among the core courses offered in the college, approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. The department strongly believes in working towards a goal which is not merely theoretical in content but practical in approach. The department has well equipped laboratories through which creative ideas are sown in the minds of the students. The department has separate department library with more than 1500 books. Highly qualified and experienced faculty with specialization in Power Systems, Power Electronics, Applied Electronics, and Energy are looking after research and administration works besides teaching.
To develop highly talented electrical and electronics engineers through blend of knowledge, attitude, character and skill, in students to produce cutting edge technologies for a constantly changing societal needs with responsibility and ethical standards
M1: To make globally competent electrical engineers by providing quality technical education.
M2: To motivate the students towards impactful research through innovative technologies.
M3: To develop the skilled engineers to apply their knowledge in industrial needs.
M4: To teach the students to become responsible engineers and socially conscious citizens.
M5: To offer state of art education in electrical and electronics engineering that enable them to engage in lifelong learning.
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