SRM TRP Engineering College

Dress Code

  • Boys students should wear only formal shirts and tuck-in their shirts while they are inside the campus. Wearing jeans, T-shirts and shirts with tattoos and any other form for symbols are strictly prohibited inside the campus.
  • Girls should wear either saree, or chudidhars with dupatta. Wearing half-saree, middies, jeans are strictly prohibited inside the campus.
  • Students are advised not to wear loose-fitting shirts or pants while doing workshop/ practical.
  • Students should wear the respective uniforms to attend the practical classes.
  • Students should wear leather shoes inside the workshop.

General Rules

  • Students should compulsorily wear their I.D. Cards with sling in the campus, Library, Class rooms and also in the college bus.
  • Students should reach the college in time.
  • Students should attend all classes. If the attendance of any students falls below 75% (65% on medical / Sorts ground) he/she will not be allowed to sit for the University Examinations.
  • No leave or absence will be granted except on written application of the student/parent, addressed to the HOD in advance.
  • Students who for unexplained reasons absent themselves for more than three days continuously will have their names struck off the rolls and as a rule will not be re-admitted without proper explanation from their parents.
  • No student should be seen outside the class room or out of the college during class hours.
  • Student should keep the class rooms and college premises absolutely clean.
  • Damage to college property, disfiguring of walls, damage to electrical items, indecent language or behavior are serious offences which may entail punishment and even dismissal.
  • Students should maintain absolute discipline inside the class room as well as the college premises.
  • Students are not allowed to form any type of unauthorized union / meeting and not allowed to celebrate birthday and any form of parties.
  • No student is allowed to entertain outsiders inside the premises of the college without prior permission from the college Authorities.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohols, taking intoxicants and drugs are strictly prohibited inside the college premises.

         Use of cell phones within the campus is prohibited.

  • No student is allowed to create disturbance in any manner whatsoever inside the examination hall during the examination sessions.  If any such report is received from the invigilator/ superintendent/ supervisor, the student will be punished as deem fit, including expulsion from the college without assigning any reason whatsoever.
  • No student is allowed to pass any derogative remarks or abuse / use filthy language or un parliamentary words to any Teaching and non-teaching staffs and junior / senior, or to any other colleague, or to any girl students of the college.
  • Ragging or harassment of any student of the college anywhere, in any form, is strictly prohibited. In any case of ragging, the college will lodge police complaint against the miscreant which will be dealt with as per law.  College may also impose penalty as deem fit.  The maximum punishment is expulsion from the college, College authorities have such power to award any punishment to the student without assigning any reason or even without giving any opportunity to defend.  All such cases will be intimated to the university, which may lead to cancellation of Regd. No. of the concerned student.
  • The college will send the academic performance of the students to the parents/Guardians periodically.
  • In all financial matters, the College expects to interact with the Parents/Guardians.
  • If a student is found guilty of indiscipline, the College reserves the right to take disciplinary action against him/her and inform the Parents/Guardians about the action so taken.
  • In some cases the college may call the Parents/Guardians for a meeting to discuss various issues of students. Healthy co-operation in this regard is ever solicited.

Library Rules and Regulations

The rules and regulations to be followed are as given below. They are intended to regulate the use of library resources and they will be reviewed periodically to meet the changing needs.


All students and faculty members of this college are eligible for the membership of the library.

Working Hours

The working hours of the Central Library on all working days are as follows:

Monday to Saturday        9.00 a.m. to  6.00 p.m.

Membership Cards


No. of cards

No. Books issued


Teaching Staff



6 months

Student Members (UG)



15 days

Student Members (PG)



15 days

Members are responsible for all the books borrowed on their cards.  All student members should return the cards at the end of the final year and obtain “No Dues Certificate” from the library.  Similarly the staff members who intend to leave the College should settle all the dues including the ID cards and obtain “No Dues Certificate” from the Librarian.

Admission Open 2025