Electronics & Communication Engineering
Students are exposed to the design of high-level amplifiers and Oscillators. They also gain knowledge using the simulation software, NGSPICE for the design of complicated amplifiers, Multivibrator, ADC /DAC, Differential amplifiers, Butter worth and few digital circuits
Students have imported knowledge of design of differential amplifier, Integrator, differentiator Instrumentation amplifier, various fitters along with design of PLL, Power supplies, Op- amp and IC 555 Times in addition to those students are trained to design of various circuits with NG- SPICE Software.
Students will learn and understand the Basics of digital electronics and able to design basic logic circuits, combinational and sequential circuits.
Students could be able to familiar with practical implementation of the digital signal processing and able to develop DSP algorithms for convolution, correlation, DFT, filtering of signals etc
In the VLSI lab, students are trained to design various digital circuits using Verilog module and to study synthesis tools, simulation modules, place, route and back annotations using Xilinx Spartan 3E Trainer Kit
Students will Understand the building Blocks of Embedded Systems and Learn the concept of memory map and memory interface. students would Know the characteristics of Real Time Systems. Write programs to interface memory, I/Os with processor.
Students develop a solid understanding for analysis of communication signals in time domain and frequency domain. Students learn to design and simulate many types of communication circuits, and then assemble measure, and evaluate the circuits using laboratory instruments.
Students could understand the working principle of optical sources, detector, fibers and microwave components. Students will be able to develop understanding of simple optical communication link and Learn about the characteristics and measurements in optical fiber.
Students will be able to understand basic concepts of microprocessor and able to develop the assembly language programming skills and real time applications of microprocessor as well as microcontroller.