
Electrical & Electronics Engineering

S. NoName of the StaffDesignationDepartmentQualificationDomain & Area of Interest
1Dr.M.P.Flower QueenProfessorEEEME., Ph.D.,Control system, Robot Manipulator, Fuzzy logic, Neural Network
2Dr. D.F. Jingle JabhaAssociate ProfessorEEEME., Ph.D.,Power systems, Power cables, NDT, Acoustic Emission
3Dr.P.Soundar RajanAssociate ProfessorEEEME., Ph.D.,Solar PV, Automation, Power Electronics and Drives , IoT.Robotics.
4Dr.R.SathishkumarAssociate ProfessorEEEME., Ph.D.,Power Systems, Renewable Energy Systems & Power Electronics
5Dr.R.SowmyaAssistant ProfessorEEEME., Ph.D.,Distribution system in power system
6Dr.G.MaheswaranAssistant ProfessorEEEME., Ph.D., Post docComputing Algorithms for Renewable Energy Sources, Microgrid, E-Charging Infrastructure.
7Dr.S.HeeravathiAssistant ProfessorEEEME., Ph.D.,Renewable Energy Systems, Solar Panel Coating Technologies
8J.SubramaniyanAssistant ProfessorEEEM.E.,(Ph.D)Electrical Machines and Electric Vehicles
9G.Ram PrakashAssistant ProfessorEEEM.E.,(Ph.D)Renewable Energy
10V.Vengatesan.Assistant ProfessorEEEM.E.,(Ph.D)Electrical Vehicle,Renewable Energy
11J.Joylin MaryAssistant ProfessorEEEM.E.,(Ph.D)Converters in power electronics



Name of the Staff


1P. RavikumarD.EEE
2A. Michael RajB.E.
3N. PoongodiD.ECE

Admission Open 2025