English Department

TRP Engineering College

About The Department

Technical skills and communication skills cannot be separated. Technical communication is one of the most essential courses for all the professional students.

The department of English envisages to impact quality based teaching in the subject by providing necessary infrastructure at the college. In future, it aims to develop and implement the recent trends on English language. It also incorporates measure to enhance the LSRW of the students to extend their horizons of knowledge. In the classroom ambience, where the students have real life communication, authentic activities and meaningful tasks. Students are given chance to promote their communication.

The department of English uses technical aids like communication laboratory & audio visual aids for developing communication skills.  It is more essential for the Students to interact with the outer world. It develops their soft skills and interpersonal skills, which will make the transition from college to workplace smoother and help them excel in their job.


To train and develop the basic skill-sets which in turn facilitates the students in achieving academic excellence. Each student has differing degrees of potential, but they have not yet been given an opportunity to exercise their full potential .That should bring out through the way of motivation.


“ What gets measured gets done “

The only purpose of education is to teach the students how to live his life by developing his mind and equipping him to deal with reality. So the mission of our department is to inculcate knowledge and power to the younger generation,


To impart the fundamental knowledge of the students in all facets of Science and Humanities needed to acquire better expertise in all disciplines of Engineering besides, bridging the curricular gap between the school and collegiate education.

Developing spirituality is possible only if the leaders and the teachers act as role model. On this basis the objectives of the department are

  • Providing the students the various types of behavior approaches in communication such as listening ,speaking , writing , reading , body language and presentation skills etc.,
  • Outstanding teaching and service
  • Individual and collective excellence.
  • Make them to face the challenges of communication effectively and efficiently in their work place.
  • Basic grammar is to be thought to improve their written communication.
  • Inculcate human values to the Students .
  • Provide proper guidance and Counselling .
  • Consider the classroom application of the above along with assumptions of the skill.
  • Sharpen students’ soft skills and counsel them to make them achievers.


Our department has installed ‘Globarena” software in our communication laboratory. Our lab is equipped with 36 systems. It has different topics and video clips to display the students for the development of their career. Faculty members are also conducting group discussion and mock interviews for the students to develop their communication skills.